About this site

This blog has two main purposes. One is to share my personal journey through life as a survivor of two heart transplants and stage four cancer. Beyond my medical issues though, I want to share who I am and who I hope to become. Among other things, I’m a Masters student in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, an artist, a musician, and a huge Trekkie.

When I was a kid I never thought I would get this far in life. I honestly thought I’d be dead by now, but I’m not. I’ve overcome a lot to get here and I’m working hard to build the best life for myself that I possibly can.

The other reason I started this blog was to inspire and motivate other people to do the same thing I’m doing – to get past personal fears, doubts, and negative beliefs and just get out there! I want people of all ages and abilities to realize that they can probably do way more than they believe they can, whether it’s in the area of physical or mental fitness, at school, work, or just in life in general.

A few years ago I started this blog as mainly a fitness blog. I hoped to inspire others to take baby steps toward an active lifestyle, just like I was. Realizing that this was within my reach the whole time made me wonder – what else can I do that I never thought I could?

Well, this new iteration of my website is an answer to that. What else can I do that I never imagined I could? Graduate school, internships, running, singing, recording, painting, loving, and connecting.

It turns out I can do a whole damn lot.

NOTICE: Although I’m gaining an education in mental health counseling, please do NOT mistake any of my blog posts for medical advice. It is not. I am an aspiring counselor, but I am not YOUR counselor. Only you and your mental health team know what is best for you. If you are having thoughts of suicide or harming yourself, please call 911, or reach out to the following resources:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK (8255) orΒ Live Online Chat

SAMHSA Treatment Referral Helpline, 1-877-SAMHSA7 (1-877-726-4727)

5 thoughts on “About this site

  1. HI! Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post on tips on choosing healthy protein foods. I am enjoying my visit to yours. Congratulations on overcoming the obstacles you have already left in your rear view mirror.


  2. Hey there .) I really like your blog and most of all your writing style, I think you are really brave and confident and you remind me that I need to start doing a little more for my fitness… πŸ™‚
    All the best, Janine


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